Flight Report Log

Flight NBLA1453
Submitted by Mark Newby
General Edward Lawrence Logan International Airport (KBOS)
Charlotte Douglas International Airport (KCLT)
B737-800 (NBL-B738)
Flight Time
Date Submitted
- Status
- LandingRate
- Route
Flight Details
Gross Revenue
$ 14,750.00
Fuel Cost
$ 10,164.00
- Comment
smartCARS Log Details
smartCARS Log
2025-01-25T23:54:42.732Z - Using Microsoft Flight Simulator*2025-01-25T23:54:42.732Z - Flying PMDG 737-800 Noble Air (N823NB)*2025-01-25T23:54:42.733Z - Now boarding*2025-01-25T23:54:42.734Z - COM1: 122.800, COM2: 124.850, NAV1: 110.50, NAV2: 110.50, Transponder: 2200*2025-01-26T00:10:53.611Z - COM1 active frequency set to 122.000*2025-01-26T00:11:14.673Z - COM1 active frequency set to 122.800*2025-01-26T00:15:48.261Z - Paused*2025-01-26T00:15:51.341Z - Unpaused*2025-01-26T00:34:05.904Z - Pushing back with 19848 lbs of fuel*2025-01-26T00:34:40.307Z - Engine 2 On*2025-01-26T00:35:54.674Z - Engine 1 On*2025-01-26T00:36:46.497Z - Flaps set to 13%*2025-01-26T00:36:54.164Z - Flaps set to 25%*2025-01-26T00:36:58.282Z - Flaps set to 38%*2025-01-26T00:39:39.659Z - Taxiing out*2025-01-26T00:47:29.526Z - Taking off*2025-01-26T00:47:48.453Z - Climbing at 153 kts, 13 degrees pitch, 0 degrees bank*2025-01-26T00:47:52.509Z - Gear lever raised*2025-01-26T00:48:01.163Z - Pitch exceeded 20 degrees nose up*2025-01-26T00:48:44.159Z - Flaps set to 25%*2025-01-26T00:48:47.789Z - Flaps set to 13%*2025-01-26T00:50:01.282Z - Flaps set to 0%*2025-01-26T00:51:48.555Z - Bank exceeded 30 degrees*2025-01-26T01:15:04.806Z - Cruising at 36000 ft*2025-01-26T02:19:41.306Z - Descending with 119 nm to go*2025-01-26T02:30:44.698Z - NAV1 active frequency set to 111.30*2025-01-26T02:30:47.244Z - NAV2 active frequency set to 111.30*2025-01-26T02:36:22.435Z - Approach started at 8742 ft AGL with 30 nm to go*2025-01-26T02:40:52.352Z - Flaps set to 13%*2025-01-26T02:42:20.003Z - Flaps set to 25%*2025-01-26T02:42:24.121Z - Flaps set to 38%*2025-01-26T02:43:07.693Z - Flaps set to 50%*2025-01-26T02:43:42.590Z - Flaps set to 62%*2025-01-26T02:46:33.554Z - Gear lever lowered*2025-01-26T02:47:25.705Z - Flaps set to 75%*2025-01-26T02:47:33.871Z - Flaps set to 87%*2025-01-26T02:47:53.334Z - On final at 1724 ft with 4 nm to go at 145 kts, 2 degrees pitch, -0 degrees bank*2025-01-26T02:49:18.930Z - Touched down at -260 fpm, 1.2g, 138 kts, 4 degrees pitch, 0 degrees bank*2025-01-26T02:49:52.770Z - Taxiing to gate, landed in 3950 ft*2025-01-26T02:50:30.948Z - Flaps set to 75%*2025-01-26T02:50:34.517Z - Flaps set to 62%*2025-01-26T02:50:37.073Z - Flaps set to 50%*2025-01-26T02:50:40.666Z - Flaps set to 38%*2025-01-26T02:50:44.778Z - Flaps set to 25%*2025-01-26T02:50:48.348Z - Flaps set to 13%*2025-01-26T02:50:56.585Z - Flaps set to 0%*2025-01-26T02:51:12.469Z - Paused*2025-01-26T02:53:41.903Z - Unpaused*2025-01-26T03:00:07.771Z - Engine 1 Off*2025-01-26T03:00:08.268Z - Engine 2 Off